"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also for the Greek" Romans 1:16


Beth-El Messianic Ministries and Congregation
PO Box 360165, Cleveland Ohio 44136.
Igor B., Missionary and Pastor 


Dear Friend in the Lord Yeshua the Messiah,

Warmest greetings to you in Emmanuel’s Precious and Exalted name! (Psalm 57:5 and 11). As 2024 draws to a close, I pray you are well and that this letter will be a great blessing to you. I thank God for each friend who is sacrificially giving and remembering this work of the Lord in their prayers. I thank God for your fellowship in the Gospel, and I praise Him for your help in showing the Jews the love of their Messiah. We know our service of love to Him among the Jewish People is pleasing to the Lord. (Mark 14:6c; Genesis 12:3).  We know that our labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Please pray that the Lord will supply our spiritual and financial needs as my support depends partially of my traveling that the ministry and my family may have enough finances to do the ministry and for the living.  December 31 will be the last day in 2024 when you could (by leading of the Lord) send your donation for the Year that we may send you a receipt for your taxes. Please pray to give as we need financial support to continue. Thank you very much for your generosity. I thank you of all encouragements by you, and for standing with me to bring the Gospel to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and for everyone. I would also like to wish you abundant blessings for this bright holiday season of Hanukkah and Christmas!

Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication or Feast of Lights) is celebrated for a period of 8 days.  On the first day, every Jewish home light up for the hanukkiah (Hanukkah menorah). According to the tradition, the shammas (helper light) is lit first. Then, from the shammas, an additional light of the menorah is lit each night. It is a Jewish tradition among many. However, it contains such a deep messianic meaning, such an evident symbol of The Messiah. Just like the shammas- the candle bearing the light, has separated from other candle lights of the Menorah and placed higher above higher above the others- God has exalted the Messiah Jesus “to be Prince and Savior” (Acts 5:31). The shammas candle is placed on the Hanukkiah as the ninth candle, but it is as if it’s not to be reckoned on it (for the days of the holiday are 8 in number). Is it not the same as the Bible presents Israel to us? As a “people dwelling alone, not reckoning itself among the nations” (Numbers 23:9). Is it not the same as Jesus not being counted among the sons of Israel? “He came to His own, but His own did not receive Him” (John 1:11). Is it not only the same, as the ones who are saved by Him are lit up not from an independent light, but only from the Shammas- the light of His resurrection? At the end of each year, are 2 holidays, the history of which are full of light and great wonders –Hanukkah and Christmas. It was not the light of Hanukkah that renewed the world with great hope, but the One whom the Lord has sent into the world “that we might live through Him” (1 John 4:9). He allowed for His temple to be destroyed, but God has built Him up, again. He resurrected the Christ from the dead and lit up as the Everlasting Shammas. Christmas- is a holiday of those who burn along with him in the same Hanukkiah, the holiday of everyone born again through Him and His resurrection.

In the month of November, we witnessed by God’s grace to more than several thousands of people. In Minneapolis MN we had an opportunity to share good news at a Broadway show performance. When the event finished, hundreds of people went out. We were standing there with Bibles and brochures. We were unable to distribute a lot, but many people heard the gospel. Two young men stopped, and one accepted NT. After that we prayed together. Even though it seemed that most people ignored us, they perfectly understood what we were preaching about.

In Chicago IL, we were preaching in Millennium Park and Michigan Ave. It was very cold, but many people were around. The Christmas Tree was already placed and ice skating installed. We shared good news at a Bean area and after went to ice skating place. When we finished, we went to Michigan. With almost 2 hours of preaching, we distributed only 1 NT! But Bible states that even one is important for Lord, maybe this lady is going to repent and great joy will be in heaven.

As I wrote previously that we were physically abused in Sacramento before NBA game, I am going to try to write more details in my next letter, God willing. Thank you for your prayers. We also continue to reach Russian speaking Jewish people in Cleveland. Please pray for this part of the ministry as well.

If God leads you to start or continue send your donations to help the ministry, please send it to:  Bethel Messianic Congregation, P.O.Box 360165, Cleveland Ohio 44136.

Our donations need to be increased. It was low again in November. We need your prayer and financial support. Please pray about it and help us for Lord Jesus’ sake. 

May The Lord-God of Israel richly bless you, and Happy New 2025 Year. Maran Ata! Amen!

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